Monday, March 2, 2015

"Mormons are some of the most Christian people that I know!"

Hello Family!

So good to hear from you this week! 
Here is an extra shout out to Ash who has now joined the ranks as a fellow cougar.  #gocougs

Things are going well out here in good old Wausau, Wisconsin!  Things are warming up a little bit.  And by warming up, I mean it was 10 degrees when we got out of the car.  So that is good news!
the Elders put this huge ice boulder on the top of our car

As for the week this week...
Tuesday we met with our investigator Nancy.  She is super cool.  She is probably one of my very favorites of the people that we are teaching right now.  She was found through a Family History Booth that the sisters set up over the summer and they have been teaching her every since.  She is older, probably in her late 60's.  and she is coming along slowly but surely!  She really loves all of the things that she has learned and she told us on Tuesday that she believes the Book of Mormon is true!  The hard thing for her is leaving the Lutheran heritage of her family... :(  She really wants to, she just needs to get up the courage to do it.  She told us that she had a cool experience with her family this week though.  They were having a big family dinner and one of her grandsons brought up the subject of Mormons and said something along the lines of "Mormons aren't Christians."  I was gearing myself up for some bad news... but then Nancy told us that 2 of her sons actually stood up for the church!  One of them, the most Lutheran of them all said, "Mormons are some of the most Christian people that I know!"  Nancy said that the room just lit up and that she could feel the Spirit.  She doesn't know if her kids know that she has been seriously investigating the church, but she said that this was a huge tender mercy for her.  We are planning on trying to set a baptismal date with her either this week or next week, so keep Nancy in your prayers!

Wednesday we had a really good lesson with our investigator Kelly.  She is the one that is trying to quite smoking.  She actually has made a lot of progress this week!  She said that she can feel the priesthood blessing helping her.  So that was a huge miracle!

Thursday we had a service project at the local food pantry, so that was a lot of fun!  and Thursday night was my first experience with Hmong food!  I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I love all of the Hmong members of the ward already.  haha

I decided to take a couple of pictures of the inside of our house.  Don't worry, today is p-day so that clutter will be cleaned when we get home.

We also have a big entry way and a basement with our own washer and dryer which is going to save me a FORTUNE because in my last 2 areas I always had to get quarters for laundry.  There is also another little study room with a few couches and stuff in it.  And the bathroom.  so this is BY FAR the nicest place I have lived on my mission.

Friday was my very first exchange as a sister training leader.  I got to go to Stevens Point, Wisconsin with Sis. Kunz.  (I forgot to take a picture... Sorry!)  She is from Spokane, Washington and came out in July with Sister Kelley!  So it was fun to get to be with her for the day.  It was cool because there is a college here, UW-Stevens Point.  So we got to go campus contacting!  I WAS IN THE ZONE.  It was just like being back in good old Madison.  So that was a huge tender mercy for me.  And in the process we found some new investigators there for the Stevens Point sisters to start working with.  I think it helped Sister Kunz to get re-excited about the work.  So I was grateful for that.  As we were driving down the road, Sister Kunz felt prompted to stop at this one apartment complex and tract it out.  So we did and ended up giving away 7 copies of the Book of Mormon!  So I was so grateful that I was able to go there and help the Stevens Point Sisters get some work done.  I was super nervous at first, but I would call my first exchange a success!

Sorry- I am always running out of time!  haha.  But I thought that I would just leave you with this quote from Dieter F. Uchtdorf:
"Success may seem tiny to you and they may go unnoticed by others, but God notices them and they are not small to Him."

Sometimes missions are hard because you don't see large amounts of success every day.  But I know that the Lord is grateful for all of our efforts.  He sees the little successes and little victories that we have.  Even ones that we don't  see.  And He will bless us for our hard work.  I know that is true!  I know that Heavenly Father loves us and that more than anything he wants us to be able to make it back to live with him again.  I sure do love you guys!  Can't wait to hear from you again next week!

Sister King

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