This is me out in the crazy snow storm yesterday right after we found out that church was cancelled. |
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This guy is just casually skiing down the street... haha. That is how much snow there was! |
Yes, I am alive. You thought I would be buried in the massive amounts of snow that we got this weekend. But we managed to make it out here to the library.
Kind of a weird week this week. We have been doing a lot of finding this week. All of the investigators that we have had lately are either not progressing or have gotten baptized. Haha so we have been trying really hard to find some new people to teach. We gave away quite a few copies of the Book of Mormon this week so that was pretty exciting. We are still following up with all of those people and hoping that something comes of it. I know that the Book of Mormon has to ability and power to change hearts! So hopefully we will be able to start reaping some of those seeds.
Tuesday we had a couple of lessons. One with Sarah who just recently got back in town. School here and UW didn't start back up again until last week. So we finally got to see her again for the first time since the end of November. She is doing well and has been reading a lot from the Book of Mormon. We are planning to have a lesson this week with her boyfriend Vince that plays on the football team. So that should be good and we are excited about that.
Wednesday we had interviews with President Cutler! Interviews are always a great experience. I know that President Cutler is inspired of God to lead this mission. In preparation for interviews, President Cutler asked us to study Elder Christofferson's talk from this last conference called "Free Forever, to Act for Themselves." He has really been pushing this idea to "act, and not be acted upon." I love the quote from this talk that says something about how we need to go out and get to work so that God has something to help us with. The enabling power of the Atonement can help us as we are out doing our best and working hard. Something that I learned and really want to start working on, is doing things more out of intention and not habit. Or doing things for the right reason. Do I go out and work everyday because I am supposed to? Or do I go out and work because I love the Lord and truly want to help bless his children. Are we reading our scriptures to cross it off of our to-do list? Or are we reading our scriptures to change our hearts and learn more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ? Sometimes it can be hard to figure out which reason it really is, but I think that is where the Atonement can come in and help us out a little bit. It was so good to be talking to President about these things and I learn so much from him. He said that things are going well back in West Allis and that Tubree is doing a lot better! So that made my day. He also said that an apostle is coming to visit the mission on March 21! So that is exciting! Who do you think it will be?? I told President Cutler that I have really loved serving here in Madison. So hopefully he will let me stay here another transfer with Sister Kelley! But we will see. :)
Thursday we got to see Ishmael which was really good. He has been having a little bit of a hard time since his baptism. But we taught him all about the power of the Atonement and I think that helped him to feel better. He even ended up going out with the Elders over the weekend to help them teach some lessons! So that was awesome! He is pretty solid. We also got to see Shay. ( We have been trying to focus a lot on our recent converts lately to make sure that they are all still going strong.) Shay is doing well! We talked to her about fasting and the power that comes behind it. I love Omni 1:26
26 And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.
We talked about the role that fasting plays in this. So then it was really cool to be able to fast with her this past Sunday. :)
Friday we met with a few of our other investigators that haven't been progressing as much so not a lot to report on those. We did meet a few cool people on the bus though. One who said that she had met with missionaries back in 1999 in Chicago and was interested in started to meet with them again. So that was a cool miracle to be able to run into her on the bus.
Saturday we got to go to Sister Durtschi's card class. This was great because we were able to reconnect with her friend Jeanne that has been reading from the Book of Mormon, and we schedule a time to teach her this week! So we hope that all goes well with that too.
Sunday was CRAZY. We woke up in the morning to probably around 5 new inches of snow or so. Church ended up being cancelled which we were pretty bummed about. Because no church on superbowl sunday?? A missionaries' worst nightmare! Haha we didn't know what we were going to do all day. But we made it work and there were actually a lot of miracles. President Cutler gave the missionaries permission to administer the sacrament. So we got together with the Elders in our district and had our own mini sacrament meeting. It actually turned out to be one of the most special experiences of my mission and something that I will never forget. While the Elders were preparing the sacrament, I was reading in 3 Nephi 18 when Christ institutes the sacrament to the Nephites and he says this,
10 And when the disciples had done this, Jesus said unto them: Blessed are ye for this thing which ye have done, for this is fulfilling my commandments, and this doth witness unto the Father that ye are willing to do that which I have commanded you.
I was thinking about how Sister Kelley and I had trudged through the mounds of snow everywhere to be able to partake of the sacrament. This was us "acting" and not being "acted upon." Christ says, "Blessed are ye for this thing which ye have done." We have to DO something! And by partaking of the sacrament, we were keeping the commandments and doing what Christ had asked us to do. I just felt to blessed and grateful that we had the opportunity to do that. We spent the rest of the day trying to visit people but that wasn't very successful. We tried to ride the bus a little but no one was on the bus because of the snow and the super bowl so that was hard too. But there was a sweet family that had us over for dinner so that was a huge tender mercy. I was feeling a little homesick because I wished so badly that I could have been out of the cold and wet snow and watching the super bowl with you guys. But this family that we had dinner with had just returned from a family vacation to Disney World!!! So I got to talk to them all about their trip and see all of their pictures. Seriously the BIGGEST tender mercy. We all know how much I love Disney and to be able to have that at the end of this hard and dreary day was exactly what I needed. I know that there is someone up there looking out for me.
So we had a good week this week and I am excited to see what his coming week has in store! Thank you for all that you do and for being the best family ever!
Sister King
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