Ok everyone- Apologies in advance because I am
pretty sure this e-mail is going to be kind of short and maybe a little
lame. It just hasn't been very long since I e-mailed last so not a lot
to report on. Except for.... ISHMAEL'S BAPTISM!! It went so well this
All of the missionaries in our ward with Ishmael. |
In fact the couple of days that I have to write you about this week are pretty much all about Ishmael. On Wednesday, the Spanish members of the ward get together to play soccer so we invited Ishmael to that and got to play with him and have a lesson about missionary work. That was super fun because I got to destroy everyone at soccer, and also Ishmael made a lot of new friends in the ward. :)
Thursday we spent the whole day visiting less-actives in the ward. We visited Deserae who is the less-active that teaches us how to knit. (My scarf is coming along reallllll nice by the way) And we shared with her Mosiah 18:21
21 And he commanded them that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another.
So we talked about having our hearts "knit together in unity and in love" which I thought was pretty clever. :)
We also got to see Rachel! She is doing well. I can't remember if I told you this or not but she just got a calling to teach Sunday School! She teaches the 14-17 year olds. So that is pretty cool. She taught her first lesson this passed Sunday and that went well. So it was fun to talk with her about that.
Friday we got to meet with Ishmael again! We talked about enduring to the end. Baptism is just the first step on the covenant path back to our Heavenly Father. It is cool because teaching people about covenants and enduring to the end on my mission has given me such a greater appreciation for the covenants that I have made. All of us are working on the "enduring to the end" part of the plan right now, and it is our covenants that help us with that. Ishmael understands that this is just his first covenant that he needs to make.
And then.... Saturday was his baptism!!! Ishmael was so incredibly prepared. This was definitely the least stressful baptism that I have ever been a part of on my mission. It was just so peaceful and nice. It was great! There was a great turn out from the ward. The actual ordinance went very well! One of the things that really drew Ishmael to the gospel was the opportunity to be born again and have all of his sins washed clean. So it was great to be able to witness that. He bore his testimony afterward about how much he just wanted to follow God's commandments and how following the commandments so far in his life has brought him so much happiness. So now Ishmael is the newest member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
Frozen Lake Monona. Check out all the ice fishers!
My BFF |
feel so incredibly blessed and grateful that I have been able to be a
part of so many miracles on my mission. Everyday I see the Lord's hand
not only in this work, but also in my life. I am grateful that the Lord
placed Ishmael in our path on the bus that day. I know that there are
people out there that are prepared to hear this gospel, and as a
missionary I get to be one of the people that help them to receive this
good news. It really is amazing and there is just nothing like it. I
am so grateful that I am here.
I love you all
so much! Sorry again for the shortness and lameness of this letter.
But know that I love you guys and am doing well! Also- the Church is
true! So very true.
Sister King
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